A Multiple Intelligence Lifestyle

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Spatial Intelligence

Next on the line-up is spatial intelligence. Spatial intelligence is our spatial judgment. The attribute of this intelligence is visualizing with the mind’s eye. If a person’s intelligence is dominated by the strengths of this form they enjoy building and constructing, working with lines, drawing, puzzles, painting, architecture, art, design, prefer visual aids and charts as educational tools, are in tune with their imagination, and use visualization to complete tasks. If you or someone you know is a visual learner, it’s likely because of strengths in this form of intelligence. 

O, how this is an area of weakness for me. I remember back in elementary school I was always horrible at figuring out what a shape would look like if it was rotated. It’s okay though, I’ve come to accept I am not that spatially aware. Only sadly does it present a challenge for me in my photographic composition, but I persevere cause I love it so!!  My spatial awareness has become quite the joke in my household. King B just stands back and times how long it will take me to complete a spatial task, all while he can see in his head exactly what I should be doing. Geez, putting away my recently inherited ceramic Christmas village houses was quite a task! I’ll admit that I usually like to hand these tasks off to King B, so that I can do something I am more inclined to do, like watering plants, writing, or making dinner. He has also been a great photographic teacher.


Lil’ M, on the other hand, must have inherited her father’s spatial intelligence. She has stacked anything she can get her hands on since she was just a little tike. Books, magazines, blocks, cups, pillows, washcloths; you name it, she stacks it to this day! We began using an easel at the age of 2. Her paintings have evolved to straight colorful lines known as "rainbows". She draws the cutest people too. With her dolls and little people she designs very detailed scenes with each person and object having their specific place and role, if you try to deviate from her plan, it won't happen! She actually keeps her doll accessories sorted-little people are not mixed with strawberry shortcake or little pet shop, etc, etc. Of course, I can't forget how she has ALWAYS meticulously lined up her blocks, cars, basically any toy she collects. Her newest craze is puzzles! I've lost count how many we have now. When we go to the dollar store she chooses a puzzle as her one toy to purchase. What can I say, she's spatially aware and I feed the fire.

The childhood years are a key time to observe a child’s primal intelligences blossom- what I mean by that is, this is the time when a child’s strengths will shine and the foundation for the rest of a lifetime is made. As a parent it is a great opportunity to observe your child’s natural learning style. Start your nurturing here than move on to other areas. After all, pretty much everyone would agree our strengths help carry our weaknesses.

So, if ya feel like nurturing this part your intelligence whip out a good puzzle, play Echo Chrome, get down on the floor and build blocks, a model car, or legos with your child, do line art with another person, or pick up a paintbrush. There are many products on the market directed at this intelligence. I have faith you will find an activity that suits you and your loved ones.   


  1. Your blog interests me for two reasons. First the subject fascinates me and I am always looking to upgrade my skills. There is always room for improvement. These spatial skills you write about sounds like it resembles creativity. So I am glad for you that little M is the creative-artistic path. There are two kinds of creativity: One is using exsisting things to make something new or there is just plain bringing something new into being that never exsisted before. I have some problems with spatial skills too though I may be adequate at times. Brooke I recommended reading book/books that describe the creative encounter as described by people. A long time ago I read two books that describe that. One is "The Courage to Create" by Rollo May and the second is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. The books helped me but I could have done better. They will add to your knowledge base and they are to me fascinating. Think and grow rich is not about just making money as richness in skill is also wealth. First love what you do and become great at it and then some degree of wealth will follow. Also I have learned in life that creating vast sums of money requires creative skills also. Keep posting.

  2. I always love a good book! I agree on the creativity resemblance. I was actually thinking a similar thought as I wrote it :) Thanks for following Allen!
